Welcome to HaxMe

We are a project that is focused on learning about privacy and security. Founded in 2008 as an evolution of ExploitNation, we offered security challenges that focused on web application vulnerabilities.

Beyond our educational security platform, we are most importantly a community of talented hackers, engineers, mathematicians, educators, and many other skilled individuals.

We aggregated papers that were often submitted to and accepted by infosec news/exploit curators like Packet Storm Security.

In 2013, the project stopped active development, but the community never completely died. We continued to communicate via Discord, IRC, Slack, and other mediums.

In 2018, the project started a software requirements and information gathering phase to revive a new major version of the educational security platform. The bulletin boards were resurrected on a fresh install, with the archived bulletin boards being accessible only to old members of the community (totalling hundreds of active users and many thousands of threads).

Today, we wish to join with you to learn more about privacy and security by building a new major version of our educational security platform and continuing to build upon our unique community.

Latest Updates (2023-05-17)

  1. The requirement of having a bulletin board account in order to join our Discord has been disabled. Please join us on Discord!
  2. We have completely revamped our Discord server with more channels for security and programming. The conversations are booming, get in here!
  3. We are discussing strategies for merging the archive with our current bulletin board, or, creating some sort of sharable archive (with PII stripped) for educational purposes. Stay tuned!