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HaxMe Permission Updates

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the permissions for the Guest group have been updated such that they can read a limited number of topics before they are required to register.

After reading 5 topics, the guest cannot read any further topics until they login.

Yes, there are ways to bypass this...

The idea behind this change is to drive traffic. If newcomers arrive and only see a login page, it doesn't pique much curiosity. Hopefully by sharing a little bit of our content, we can encourage people to join in on the disucssion!

There are some additional changes currently in the works:

  • While guests will be able to view a limited amount of topics, certain pieces of content will be obfuscated: images, videos, links, etc. We are giving them just enough to see what the topic is about, but not all of the good stuff.
  • While guests will be able to view a limited amount of topics, all replies in that topic will be hidden.
  • All usernames will be obfuscated to guests.


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