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Registration Terms

Please take a moment to review these rules. Failure to abide by the rules is a breach of contract and can result in penalties made against your account, including: warns, suspension, and expulsion.

  1. No doxing or revealing the personal information of any members. This includes posting the names of people, their geographic location, their place of work, or any personal social media profile located outside of HaxMe. The penalty for breaking this rule is being permanently expelled from the community.
  2. Stay on topic. The penalty for breaking this rule is a warning for the first couple of offenses. After that, a brief suspension will be handed out based on the severity and frequency of the offense.
  3. Do not directly link to darknet sites and services. There are ways to communicate about the darknet, but you need to think before you post. The penalty for breaking this rule is a warning for the first offense. After that, a 7 day suspension will be handed out.
  4. Do not post any content that contains pedophilia or people dying. The penalty for posting the former will result in an immediate expulsion. The penalty for posting the latter will result in a 14 day suspension.
  5. Do not post any content that calls for violence. We wish to build systems based on voluntary interactions and peace. The penalty for breaking this rule will result in a 30 day suspension. A repeated offense will result in expulsion from the community.
  6. Give credit where it is due. In a community that values education, plagiarism is frowned upon. The penalty for breaking this rule is a warning, following a 30 day mute.
  7. Do not post content that links to warez, keygens, patches, nulls, etc. Please respect the work of others. The penalty for breaking this rule is a warning, following a 7 day suspension.
  8. Do not create multiple accounts. Additional accounts will be banned. Administrators are permitted to have one additional account to be used strictly for purposes of development. The reason for this is to allow Administrators to view the site from the perspective of a regular user without having to login to other user accounts.

As HaxMe values free speech, most "objectionable" content will not be removed (so long as it does not violate the above rules). HaxMe uses a reputation system and will strive to build tools that allow you to hide content you do not wish to see. Although flames are generally permissible, you need to be sure you do not violate rules #1 and #2. Moderators and Administrators reserve the right to close topics if they feel they are becoming too toxic, although we will generally err on the side of letting the best arguments, thoughts, and ideas play out.

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