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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/09/21 in all areas

  1. HCL AppScan CodeSweep will try to detect vulnerabilities within your code each time you save your code. It comes as a VSCode extension or as a Github Action, so that it will scan code upon a pull request. It supports scanning files of the following types: Android-Java Angular Apex ASP.Net C C# Cobol ColdFusion Golang Groovy Infrastructure as Code Ionic JavaScript JQuery Kotlin MooTools NodeJS Objective-C Perl PHP PL/SQL Python React React Native Ruby Scala Swift T-SQL TypeScript VB.Net VueJS Xamarin VSCode Extension: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=HCLTechnologies.hclappscancodesweep Github Action: https://github.com/marketplace/actions/hcl-appscan-codesweep
    1 point
  2. @cwade12c Thanks for kicking this off. Here's my WIP (I'll be editing here over the next few weekends until I have a working system) Nixos -nix -linux -grub bootloader -systemdDesktop env: Base: - gnomeCustom -Light dm -awesomewm -polybar -rofi -compton -feh Utilities: Calc:bc File manager: ranger Text editor: vim Disk util: parted/gparted Webcam Screen shot Network manager Alacrity Zsh + o my zsh Ffmpeg ImageMagick Mplayer TreeApplications: Browser: brave Adobe reader Evolution Vscode Wps office Git Pywal
    1 point
  3. $ screenfetch|lolcat Distro: Ubuntu Kernel: x86_64 Linux 5.4.0-80-generic Package Manager: apt Display Server: xorg Windows Manager: Mutter (Looking at awesome or paper within Gnome for tiling) Desktop Environment: Gnome (not a huge fan) Terminal Emulator: terminator (recently been playing around with tilix) Shell: zsh (with oh-my-zsh and several plugins) Application Launcher: Gnome Launcher Wallpaper Controller: feh Wallpaper Image: my wallpapers change randomly every time I enter in any command in the shell (1 unique wallpaper per monitor) Widgets: conky Flat System/Application Icons Tilix with system theme (Nordic Dark) IDE with custom theme and wallpaper System theme It's not super great, but it's cozy.
    1 point
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