I need it suprisingly often, my previous build had 32 and I swapped alot which turns a simple 1 hour script runtime into a week. I often fill the 64 but when I know it will turn into swapping, I run the jobs at our works' cluster(s). I have workloads with machine learning (i.e trying to figure out the interesting data of 1PB of hydroacoustics), NLP (we've done some contractual governmental work, looking for interference from foreign governments etc), and SoMe analysis. Its also super handy when compiling alot of safety critical application (for iintegration testing and so forth), after all bring ups, there's thousands if not millions of distributed components and doing local simulations are super handy, and it can usually take up to 40-50 GB of RAM.
Also, I am retarded so the coding is probably subpar, hence more RAM is super handy