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BMP File Processor


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Feel free to ask questions about the code. It reads and writes BMP Files. The PixelProcessor can be used to manipulate pixels in the image.


File format specification for reference: http://www.ece.ualberta.ca/~elliott/ee552/studentAppNotes/2003_w/misc/bmp_file_format/bmp_file_format.htm

Note that the BMP file format is in binary. This processor targets 24 bit images with pixel data 4 byte aligned. So the fseek is going to round out each "row" by advancing the file pointer by an amount to keep the "row" size some multiple of 4.




#include <stdio.h>
#include "PixelProcessor.h"

#ifndef BMP_HEADER
#define BMP_HEADER

typedef struct BMP_Header {
	char signature[2];
	int file_size;
	short reserve1;
	short reserve2;
	int file_offset;
} BMP_Header;

typedef struct DIB_Header{
	int DIB_size;
	int image_width;
	int image_height;
	short planes;
	short bits_per_pixel;
	int compression;
	int image_size;
	int x_pixels;
	int y_pixels;
	int colors;
	int important_colors;
} DIB_Header;

 * read BMP header of a file. Useful for converting files from PPM to BMP.
 * @param  file: A pointer to the file being read or written
 * @param  header: Pointer to the destination BMP header
void readBMPHeader(FILE* file, struct BMP_Header* header);

 * write BMP header of a file. Useful for converting files from PPM to BMP.
 * @param  file: A pointer to the file being read or written
 * @param  header: The header made by makeBMPHeader function
void writeBMPHeader(FILE* file, struct BMP_Header* header);

 * read DIB header from a file. Useful for converting files from PPM to BMP.
 * @param  file: A pointer to the file being read or written
 * @param  header: Pointer to the destination DIB header
void readDIBHeader(FILE* file, struct DIB_Header* header);

 * write DIB header of a file. Useful for converting files from PPM to BMP.
 * @param  file: A pointer to the file being read or written
 * @param  header: The header made by makeDIBHeader function
void writeDIBHeader(FILE* file, struct DIB_Header* header);

 * make BMP header based on width and height. 
 * The purpose of this is to create a new BMPHeader struct using the information 
 * from a PPMHeader when converting from PPM to BMP.
 * @param  header: Pointer to the destination DIB header
 * @param  width: Width of the image that this header is for
 * @param  height: Height of the image that this header is for
void makeBMPHeader(struct BMP_Header* header, int width, int height);

 * Makes new DIB header based on width and height. Useful for converting files from PPM to BMP.
 * @param  header: Pointer to the destination DIB header
 * @param  width: Width of the image that this header is for
 * @param  height: Height of the image that this header is for
void makeDIBHeader(struct DIB_Header* header, int width, int height);

 * read Pixels from BMP file based on width and height.
 * @param  file: A pointer to the file being read or written
 * @param  pArr: Pixel array of the image that this header is for
 * @param  width: Width of the image that this header is for
 * @param  height: Height of the image that this header is for
void readPixelsBMP(FILE* file, struct Pixel** pArr, int width, int height);

 * write Pixels from BMP file based on width and height.
 * @param  file: A pointer to the file being read or written
 * @param  pArr: Pixel array of the image that this header is for
 * @param  width: Width of the image that this header is for
 * @param  height: Height of the image that this header is for
void writePixelsBMP(FILE* file, struct Pixel** pArr, int width, int height);





#include "BmpProcessor.h"
#include "PixelProcessor.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

 * read BMP header of a file. Useful for converting files from PPM to BMP.
 * @param  file: A pointer to the file being read or written
 * @param  header: Pointer to the destination BMP header
void readBMPHeader(FILE* file, struct BMP_Header* header) {
    fread(&header->signature, sizeof(char)*2, 1, file);
    fread(&header->file_size, sizeof(int), 1, file);
    fread(&header->reserve1, sizeof(short), 1, file);
    fread(&header->reserve2, sizeof(short), 1, file);
    fread(&header->file_offset, sizeof(int), 1, file);

 * write BMP header of a file. Useful for converting files from PPM to BMP.
 * @param  file: A pointer to the file being read or written
 * @param  header: The header made by makeBMPHeader function
void writeBMPHeader(FILE* file, struct BMP_Header* header) {
    fwrite(&header->signature, sizeof(short), 1, file);
    fwrite(&header->file_size, sizeof(int), 1, file);
    fwrite(&header->reserve1, sizeof(short), 1, file);
    fwrite(&header->reserve2, sizeof(short), 1, file);
    fwrite(&header->file_offset, sizeof(int), 1, file);

 * read DIB header from a file. Useful for converting files from PPM to BMP.
 * @param  file: A pointer to the file being read or written
 * @param  header: Pointer to the destination DIB header
void readDIBHeader(FILE* file, struct DIB_Header* header) {
    fread(&header->DIB_size, sizeof(int), 1, file);
    fread(&header->image_width, sizeof(int), 1, file);
    fread(&header->image_height, sizeof(int), 1, file);
    fread(&header->planes, sizeof(short), 1, file);
    fread(&header->bits_per_pixel, sizeof(short), 1, file);
    fread(&header->compression, sizeof(int), 1, file);
    fread(&header->image_size, sizeof(int), 1, file);
    fread(&header->x_pixels, sizeof(int), 1, file);
    fread(&header->y_pixels, sizeof(int), 1, file);
    fread(&header->colors, sizeof(int), 1, file);
    fread(&header->important_colors, sizeof(int), 1, file);

 * write DIB header of a file. Useful for converting files from PPM to BMP.
 * @param  file: A pointer to the file being read or written
 * @param  header: The header made by makeDIBHeader function
void writeDIBHeader(FILE* file, struct DIB_Header* header) {
    fwrite(&header->DIB_size, sizeof(int), 1, file);
    fwrite(&header->image_width, sizeof(int), 1, file);
    fwrite(&header->image_height, sizeof(int), 1, file);
    fwrite(&header->planes, sizeof(short), 1, file);
    fwrite(&header->bits_per_pixel, sizeof(short), 1, file);
    fwrite(&header->compression, sizeof(int), 1, file);
    fwrite(&header->image_size, sizeof(int), 1, file);
    fwrite(&header->x_pixels, sizeof(int), 1, file);
    fwrite(&header->y_pixels, sizeof(int), 1, file);
    fwrite(&header->colors, sizeof(int), 1, file);
    fwrite(&header->important_colors, sizeof(int), 1, file);

 * make BMP header based on width and height.
 * The purpose of this is to create a new BMPHeader struct using the information
 * from a PPMHeader when converting from PPM to BMP.
 * @param  header: Pointer to the destination DIB header
 * @param  width: Width of the image that this header is for
 * @param  height: Height of the image that this header is for
void makeBMPHeader(struct BMP_Header* header, int width, int height) {
    header->signature[0] = 0x42;
    header->signature[1] = 0x4D;
    header->reserve1 = 0x00;
    header->reserve2 = 0x00;
    header->file_offset = 54;
    //int file_size = (14+40+(height*(width+(width%4))));
    header->file_size = (54+(height*(width+(width%4)))*3);

 * Makes new DIB header based on width and height. Useful for converting files from PPM to BMP.
 * @param  header: Pointer to the destination DIB header
 * @param  width: Width of the image that this header is for
 * @param  height: Height of the image that this header is for
void makeDIBHeader(struct DIB_Header* header, int width, int height) {
    header->DIB_size = 40;
    header->image_width = width;
    header->image_height = height;
    header->planes = 1;
    header->bits_per_pixel = 24;
    header->compression = 0;
    header->image_size = height*(width+(width%4))*(3);
    header->x_pixels = 0;
    header->y_pixels = 0;
    header->colors = 0;
    header->important_colors = 0;

 * read Pixels from BMP file based on width and height.
 * @param  file: A pointer to the file being read or written
 * @param  pArr: Pixel array of the image that this header is for
 * @param  width: Width of the image that this header is for
 * @param  height: Height of the image that this header is for
void readPixelsBMP(FILE* file, struct Pixel** pArr, int width, int height) {
    //pArr = (struct Pixel**) malloc(sizeof(struct Pixel*)*width);
    //for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
    //    pArr = (struct Pixel*) malloc(sizeof(struct Pixel) * height);
    int padding_length = (width%4);
    //fread(&padding, sizeof(char), 1, file);
    for (int w = 0; w < width; w++) {
        for (int h = 0; h < height; h++) {
            unsigned char b,g,r;
            fread(&b, sizeof(unsigned char), 1, file);
            fread(&g, sizeof(unsigned char), 1, file);
            fread(&r, sizeof(unsigned char), 1, file);
            //printf("%d %d %d\n", b,g,r);
            pArr[w][h].b = b;
            pArr[w][h].g = g;
            pArr[w][h].r = r;
            if (h == height-1) {
                fseek(file, sizeof(char)*padding_length, SEEK_CUR);
} // b, g, r

 * write Pixels from BMP file based on width and height.
 * @param  file: A pointer to the file being read or written
 * @param  pArr: Pixel array of the image that this header is for
 * @param  width: Width of the image that this header is for
 * @param  height: Height of the image that this header is for
void writePixelsBMP(FILE* file, struct Pixel** pArr, int width, int height) {
    int padding_length = width%4;
    for (int r = 0; r < width; r++) {
        for (int c = 0; c < height; c++) {
            //struct Pixel temp = pArr[r][c];
            //printf("|%c |%c |%c|", temp.b, temp.g, temp.r);
            fwrite(&pArr[r][c].b, sizeof(char), 1, file);
            fwrite(&pArr[r][c].g, sizeof(char), 1, file);
            fwrite(&pArr[r][c].r, sizeof(char), 1, file);
            if (c == (height-1)) {
                fseek(file, sizeof(char)*padding_length, SEEK_CUR);
    char end_of_file = 0x00;
    fwrite(&end_of_file, sizeof(char), 1, file);





struct Pixel{
	unsigned char r, b, g;	

 * Shift color of Pixel array. The dimension of the array is width * height. The shift value of RGB is 
 * rShift, gShift,bShift. Useful for color shift.
 * @param  pArr: Pixel array of the image that this header is for
 * @param  width: Width of the image that this header is for
 * @param  height: Height of the image that this header is for
 * @param  rShift: the shift value of color r shift
 * @param  gShift: the shift value of color g shift 
 * @param  bShift: the shift value of color b shift 
void colorShiftPixels(struct Pixel** pArr, int width, int height, int rShift, int gShift, int bShift);





#include <stdio.h>
#include "PixelProcessor.h"

void colorShiftPixels (struct Pixel** pArr, int width, int height, int rShift, int gShift, int bShift) {
	for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
		for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
			pArr[i][j].r += rShift;
			pArr[i][j].b += bShift;
			pArr[i][j].g += gShift;



Edited by WarFox
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